poems, recently

Quick post to highlight two recent publications featuring my poems! Such an honor to see my poems find a home in various literary journals/publications. Having done things backwards (book first via poetry prize, submitting for publications second), I'll be the first to admit a new surge of imposter syndrome every time I press “submit.” The sweet small confirmation of seeing your poem find its to somewhere else, and even the nudge of rejection, has brought new energy to my writing. More difficult than the writing is the figuring out what to do with the writing, so each time something is published feels like a tiny miracle.

  • Windfall Room — an amazing online journal of video recitations of poems by the author. honored to have a new poem, “Revelations” here.

  • “Ash Wednesday” in The Windhover, Volume 25.1 — this poem is only in print, available here (but hopefully it will also be in a future book! one can dream)

here’s an embedded version of my Windfall Room recitation. Make sure to click through to the website to see other amazing recitations, plus my author’s notes!


The Fourth Trimester